Major Insect Pests of Cotton
The main or major insect pests of cotton that cause economic loss to this crop are given below with their scientific names, order and family name.
1. Cotton jassid
Cotton jassid is a major sucking insect pest of cotton with scientific name Amrasca biguttula (Ishida). It belongs to family Cicadellidae and order Homoptera.
2. Cotton whitefly
Cotton whitefly is another important sucking insect pest of cotton with scientific name Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). It belongs to family Aleyrodidae and order Homoptera.
3. Cotton Aphid
Cotton aphid is also important sucking insect pest of cotton and its
4. Thrips
Thrips is a major sucking insect pest of cotton and its scientific name is Thrips tabaci Lindemann. It belongs to family Thripidae and order Thysanoptera.
5. Spotted Bollworm
Spotted bollworm is a chewing insect pest of cotton that causes great economic loss to cotton crop. The scientific name of spotted bollworm is Earias insulana (Boisduval) and E. Vitella (Fabricius). These two species of spotted bollworm belongs to family Noctuidae and order Lepidoptera.
6. Pink Bollworm
Pink bollworm is a major chewing insect pest of cotton crop having scientific name Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders). It belongs to family Gelechiidae and order Lepidoptera.
7. American Bollworm
American bollworm is one of the important major insect pests of cotton crop and its scientific name is Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). It belongs to family Noctaidae and order Lepidoptera.
8. Armyworm
Armyworm is a major and important chewing insect pest of cotton crop and its scientific name is Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). It belongs to family Noctuidae and order Lepidoptera.
9. Cotton Mealy Bug
Cotton mealybug is a major sucking type insect pest of cotton and its scientific name is phenococcus gossypiphilous belonging to family Pseudococcidae and order Hemiptera.
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