Top borer of sugarcane (Scirpophaga novella) is one of the most destructive and major pests of sugarcane that cause serious damage to this crop throughout the world especially India, China and Pakistan.
Life History
This pest remains active from the month of march to November and young larvae (after hatching from eggs) bores into the leaf through its mid rib and then ultimately bores make mines to the main shoot or cane of this plant. The hibernation of this pest take places as larval form (when if fully grown) and pupation occurs through making a chamber with a special type
Mode of Damage
The larvae of top borer of sugarcane feed on the top portion of the sugarcane plants and thus causing great economic loss in the yield of this crop. This pest has four to five numbers of generations in one year and all generations cause damage to sugarcane. The first two generations or broods of this pest attacked sugarcane plants at early stages when sugarcane plants are young. At this stage special kind of streaks which are reddish in color and small holes are seen on the sugarcane plants due to its attack. But at later stages when cane development take place its attack become limited to the top portion of the sugarcane plants which causing a characteristic symptom known as bunchy top. The third generation of sugarcane top borer causes fourteen to fifteen percent loss in yield while sugarcane crop attacked by fourth generation or brood have up to twenty five percent reductions in weight of sugarcane. But fifth generation or brood of sugarcane top borer cause only a small (one to two percent) reduction in the yield of sugarcane. So it is recognized fact that the crop of sugarcane which is attacked by this pest is lower in quality and quantity of juice.
You can control this pest by apply carbofuran at the rate of ten to fifteen kilograms per acre or you can use diazinon at the rate of ten kilograms per acre or cartap at the rate of thirteen to fifteen kilograms per acre to successfully control this dangerous pest.
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