The use of pesticides is increasing rapidly because they give instant control of different pest. Pesticides are used against insects pests of different crops, for the control of harmful house hold pests, for control different kind of weeds. In spite of all good effects, pesticides are greatly polluting our environment. I will discuss in detail how pesticides are polluting our environment.
Pesticides are polluting our water resources, our earth and our atmosphere.
How pesticides are polluting our water?
When pesticides are used against different agricultural pests then they leach down or drain into the poor of soil and then mix
How pesticides are polluting our soil?
Some pesticides when apply on crop are mixed into soil and they are persistent in nature. In this way they are polluting our soil.
How pesticides re polluting our atmosphere?
Some pesticides are violating in nature and they evaporate in the form of fumes when they are applied on crops or soil for controlling the insect pests. In this way pesticides are polluting our atmosphere.
How to overcome pollution caused by pesticides?
We can overcome pollution caused by pesticide by following ways,
1. Use pesticides only when it is necessary to apply. Try to use other control methods and use chemical control as your last option.
2. Try to use only target specific and safe pesticides.
3. Try to apply pesticides only in the morning or evening time in order to reduce air pollution caused by evaporation of pesticides.
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